Monday, October 20, 2008

Gary Busey on Celebrity Rehab? What a shocker!

Well I just saw a commercial for the new season of celebrity rehab. And I was like all hyped up, OHHH YEAH GARY BUSEY, my favorite crazy, I dug his antics on Me & Busey, at least I think that was what it was called, and his awesome shenanigans on the red carpet randomly grabbing and hugging people he has never met. So I was like, of course, Gary Busey, he's all effed up. But well, now that I've done some research I guess my image and what I was going to post was a tad premature. Apparently he's been clean and sober for about 13 years now, and he's on the show for support. Nothing says support like a manic freak that might try to snap your neck at any moment. But anyways, the new cast is semi-interesting I suppose. Jeff Conway is back with his mumbling and well, I dunno, is there much of a brain to save in him anymore, at least the American public will be pleased, since they love people that are more miserable than them. There's some girl from American Idol that didn't win that I really don't recall, Nikki McKibbon. A model for eye candy Amber Smith. Guns n Roses Steven Adler, which I always thought had a kind of neat comatose swagger to him. And Rodney King. Maybe he'll ask 'can't we all get along, and hit this bong'. Anyways, it will probably end up the same as last season, at least with me, unwatched. But it's interesting to see the makeup of the new season.

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